We all have a social mask, right? We put it on, we go out, put our best foot forward, our best image. But behind that social mask is a personal truth, what we really, really believe about who we are and what we're capable of.
-Phil McGraw

Sunday, October 2, 2011

We don't have to know it all...

I am wide awake and wildly inspired by the book I just finished.  Tonight I read "Heaven Is For Real" by Todd Burpo.  It's an account of his sons' near-fatal medical surprise and the journey that this little three year old took to heaven.  He saw things that were incredibly inline with scripture.  He met his great grandfather that had passed almost thirty years before his birth.  He never knew his mother had a miscarriage, and met his sister in heaven.  He vividly described, over the course of a few years, meeting God, Jesus, the Angel Gabriel, John the Baptist, the angels singing, etc.  There is no way I could describe the feelings I felt while reading, but I do know that having read it gave me what my soul has been longing for, reassurance and solidarity in my faith.

I am in no way, shape or form the cookie cutter for Sainthood, but regardless, if anything has stuck with me in this world I will always freely say it is God--At the heights of my joy and the belly of my sorrow, He has been with me.  Although I know I have at times totally let him down,  I also know His love endures forever.  And tonight after reading this book, I actually sit in stillness.  I have such a peace and alertness about me. 

The book mentions a child prodigy artist, Akaine Kramarik, who at the age of four, started recording her "inspirations from God" onto paper into magnificent works of art.  Colton (the boy from the book I read) was asked for  a number of years to identify whether or not the pictures of Jesus really look like him.   He described his eyes as "beautiful"--well, he viewed Akaine's inspired portrait from her visions of Jesus, and he said, that's it.  That is the only picture in any form that Colton said yes, that is him.  ((Akaine also saw Jesus at a very young age.. I pasted the link below to an interview of her and her work done by CNN.))
Child prodigy--Paints her faith

I am wow'ed at the works put forth by such little hands and the accounts of such tremendous and wonderful sights seen by such little eyes.  Then it brings me back to the term "child-like faith".  Recall the phrase "Kids say the darndest things" and begin to think about some of the things you have heard kids say.  They really are the purest form of human being at a young age.  They believe in santa, the tooth fairy; they believe mommy's kisses really DO take the pain away, they say what's on their mind, and believe angels do exist.  As kids, we believed we could be whoever we wanted to be, we focused on getting as much as possible accomplished in our day as we could, and made it a point to be friends with everyone. Laughter filled the air, we chased eachother, and it seemed as though those days could last forever... Then we "grow up".  We have to work, pay bills, take care of people in our lives whether its kids, spouses, elderly, pets, etc. (ok, sorry pets aren't  people, but they are just as quirky!)  The limitless faith we once possessed is buried deep underneath concrete walls of ___,___, ____,____, ____,____,,,,(bitterness, greed, selfishness, stress, lack of time management, vanity, materialism, fatigue,.. etc)

What would happen if we all exercised "child-like faith" again?  what just might happen to our lives-within us and around us-if we would just let go of reasoning, analyzing, expecting, planning, regretting, hoping, and just--let it be what it is....  Somebody has a booger hanging out of their nose, or broccoli in their teeth, does a small child just let it go, or does it say, "Hey you have a booder on you!" ?  That boldness to live our lives--our unique, one of a kind, never can be emulated because there is only one of us lives--to the absolute childlike fullest everyday is the secret to life!  Faith Hill's song plays in my head everyday, pushing me to be content but also to appreciate life's little treasures...."The secret of life is a good cup of coffee, the secret of life is keep your eye on the ball, Rolling Stones and Mom's Apple Pie"..  The secret isn't no secret and you don't get your money back!

Life is short, there is no time to practice, there is no dress rehearsel... this is it...  The days we have to enjoy this life on earth is a grab bag, you never know when your breath is your last, but according to Colton if you know God, there's plenty to enjoy after we leave this earth.  But I say for now, rain or shine, there is something to indulge in and find complete pure joy in...

I am happy to know that I will get to see my favorite cat of all time, Allie, someday, beings all dogs do go to heaven, accd'g to Colton-- and I am also happy to know from his account, Jesus is the first person I will see when I get there.  I know Eric Clapton says there's no tears in heaven, but I may have to shed a few thank you ones once I finally meet my Father.  You are the best Dad a girl could ask for!

Thank you for loving me and reminding me that it's ok to take my "know it all" mask off and leave MY plans for my life aside, because we don't have to know it all to have faith.  Faith just is.

Our Father,
Who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name,
thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven;
Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive
our tresspasses, as we forgive those that tresspass against us.
Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil;
for Thine is Kindgom and the Power, and the Glory, forever and ever.

xoxo, Kris