We all have a social mask, right? We put it on, we go out, put our best foot forward, our best image. But behind that social mask is a personal truth, what we really, really believe about who we are and what we're capable of.
-Phil McGraw

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Where did YOU come from?

Do you know what is SUPER annoying!?  The last time I checked in with "self", I was feeling quite empty inside.  And as I sit here tonight, (greatly distracted by some jewelry online & countless other things), I can't find that darn empty feeling... and Who is this?  I feel ALIVE inside again... Kristen is in there and she woke up from her nap and wants to come out and PLAY!  All I can say is "Where did YOU come from?"

Now don't get me wrong, I am not complaining.  I have missed her quite frankly.  See, we go way back.  She has gotten us into a lot of trouble, laughed many laughs, cried many tears, and she is one of the craziest people I know!  But for a while there, my mountains were taller than me, and I couldn't see thru the clouds or over the peaks.  I spent more time looking at my feet scuff the ground or stress over BILLS (heaven forbid!) than I did anything else.  But here's what I have been thinking about lately... This actually just came to me-What if our valleys, our low points, are actually the OPPOSITE of what we make them.  Those low points, trials.. The stuff that really makes you say "blehhhh!"; bring us to a higher point of: understanding, faith, contemplation, consciousness, happiness, or F. All of the Above.

I look at the past few months and giggle out of gratitude.  I came upon a splendid idea once upon a time that suggested "Character building is not always comfortable"...   ~Take a moment and ponder that one.... ahhh, it's liberating....

I'll leave you on that note.  Until next time,
Kristen <3

Monday, December 26, 2011

Why so seriousss?

I love to laugh and sometimes use my sarcasm to its' last drop... Of course everyone has a different sense of humor or lack there of, so although others may not be able to tell, I do joke around A LOT.  There's a funny bone part of my dna that I think got a little distorted in transfer, but it's there none the less.  Joking around and finding something to laugh at are a daily occurrence.  Sadly, joking can be found offensive if given at the expense of another.  Or if ill-ly (haha, spelling!) placed amongst conversation, it can be taken totally UN-funny.  Either way, joking isn't always funny.

NoW, on the flip side of that coin:  As a human race, overall, I think we've gotten just way to dang serious.  To the point where most subjects have been reclassified into the "touchy" category.  Political correctness as explained here shortly, thanks to Wikipedia, is only one french fry short of the definition of a Zombie.

Political correctness (adjectivally, politically correct; both forms commonly abbreviated to PC) is a term which denotes language, ideas, policies, and behavior seen as seeking to minimize social and institutional offense in occupational, gender, racial, cultural, sexual orientation, certain other religions, beliefs or ideologies, disability, and age-related contexts, and, as purported by the term, doing so to an excessive extent.   

Zombie: The term is often figuratively applied to describe a hypnotized person bereft of consciousness and self-awareness, yet ambulant and able to respond to surrounding stimuli. 

Haha, I'm laughing now... Can you see the similarities!!??? UGH!!  As we progress in this lifetime, PC is the underlying premise for "everything we do" (we don't even know we are doing it, hence the quote marks--or hence the zombie definition? lol)  You can't make a comment on your facebook, might tick off someone--Say Merry Christmas on your voice mail or on your Christmas cards (or are they Holiday cards now??) in the event that someone out there may just NOT APPROVE and get OffEnDed!  Ohhh nooooooo, whatever shall we do!

There's a whole lot of eggshells out there that we are having to tip toe on and around.  Don't get me wrong, I believe in holding my tongue, choosing my battles, and having a strong moral compass to help me interact and live among other fellow human beings, but seriously---Why So Serioussss?   The late Heath Ledger asked this question in his final role as the Joker in Batman (2008).  He was a scarred fellow, coming from a broken/troubled home who enjoyed the company of other troubled rowdy individuals to give him a sense of belonging.  (He definitely gave PC a very large swift punt out of the park).  But his famous question holds a lot of value to what I'm trying to say here.  Where in the world did we all get so serious?  One looks "wrong" at another, makes a remark or says something "that doesn't set right" with another, or you're honest when you tell your friend, YES, those jeans do make your butt look big, and then she's tiffed when she is the one who asked..... It's exhausting isn't it?

Trust me, I'm guilty. I will never claim to have never let my mouth get the best of me.  However, as I've grown in thought, I've come to realize that we are all very different--more so than we give credit.  Reality is based on perception and although your reality doesn't fit into mine so well all of the time, it's no business of mine to segregate or try to dissuade you from your own opinions.  Think we all just need to take a chill pill and revel in (enjoy) the differences, and see if we can't learn something..... ;)

Until next time, take care and God bless... It's almost 2012!!   

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Chasing my tail...

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Albert Einstein

Have you ever watched a cat or dog chase its' own tail?  For a brief point in time, it forgets that their tail is in fact connected.  But still, with eager determination it salivates and grunts to catch it. ..Without any reprieve, they run in circles, pouncing and keenly attempting to capture that furry object that keeps "chasing them".  I feel like sometimes in life we chase our own tails.... Thinking that we can pounce on ((weight loss, breaking a habit, organization, learning a language, forgiving someone in our lives, cooking well, ...))) Unfortunately, if you're anything like me, you probably will get a great idea and expect it to just blossom from there.  We disregard the simple fact that to retrain the brain, fix bad habits, learn new ones, have a second language, or know how to function in an elevator without hyperventilating all take a new approach from what we have been doing currently. It takes effort, and possibly a change of direction..