We all have a social mask, right? We put it on, we go out, put our best foot forward, our best image. But behind that social mask is a personal truth, what we really, really believe about who we are and what we're capable of.
-Phil McGraw

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Looking behind the mask....

I have been motivated to blog for some time now; but didn't hop in the saddle and do it.  Writing has always been my favorite creative outlet.  They are words on a page; and if the person reading this finishes the entire entry, I have been able to "speak" for once without being interrupted...judged...made to feel incompetent...my blog is my personal soap box from which I can say whatever the .... I want.
Now that might have sounded fierce, but really it's not.  I am excited to take this opportunity to "silently" examine this great big, but not so big at the same time, world around me.  I am in the world but not a product of it, as I feel the downward spiral occurring rapidly towards all of those things that really do.not.matter.in.the.long.term.scheme.of.things.

This gentleman who greeted you as you opened up my page--yes, that one, with a big grin and Jack Sparrow mustache/goatee--is looking very happy today isn't he?  His skin tone may need a little help from my girls at Clinique, but overall, life is grand it would seem?!?  Welcome to my favoritist (yes, I did purposely say that) social theory.  In college, my group and I called it the social mask theory.  (see quote above by McGraw).  Each and every day, we all live behind a mask.  The world is one big production, a stage with bright lights, and orchestra, and we are merely it's little marionettes.  Dancing and smiling, being directed to and fro, all the while not truly feeling satisfied. 

What's behind your mask, may I ask?  When you take the jeweled, adorned, sparkling accessory off of your face, what do you see? Of course, none of us would ever remain unmasked in public, due to the fact that the production go on! Or does it?  Could we take our show to the next level-- Just a question that I have asked myself many a time, as I have been on my journey of trying live beyond the mask.

Thank you for joining me-See you next time, oxo   

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